Saturday, October 10, 2009

Journey Towards Acceptance

For the next week I will be working on integrating acceptance into my life. To begin I have chosen to incorporate Acceptance and the colour Pink.
Acceptance today is pink
Accepting who I am is okay I don't need to try to change myself. I don't need to put on a different face to meet the day, who I am is okay. I don't need to be thinner, younger, richer, all the wealth I need is within me, beauty resides within me and the more I accept my inner beauty the greater I shine externally.
Today I ask my Higher Self to dissolve the ties holding me to the past. I release the past into the Loving Presence of God acknowledging I am guiltless, innocent and free.
I accept the peace and love of God, thanking the Universe of its approval of all I am.
Therefore I approve of myself.
I accept the person I am
I love the person I am
I am willing to step into the person I truly am
I am kind and compassionate
My resolutions are on fire with inspiration
I live with balance and in the natural flow of life
I am not deceived by illusion
I live in the Light of Reality
My inner nature is freedom and joy
I am willing to see all others recognize their freedom and joy
The more I give of myself, the more I have to give
I am no longer resistant to life
All that is rightfully mine is drawn to me
I live in total Acceptance and Bliss

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