Acceptance is blue today. The colour of the morning, noon and night sky, as the intensity changes throughout the day, underneath it all the sky remains steady, reliable blue. It may be covered by clouds of grey and white, we all know that it remains blue.
There is a feeling of safety that comes to me as I know the sky is constant as God's love is constant no matter how stormy my life may appear to be. Underneath the stormy clouds, snow, clouds, rain clouds, pollution, the sky is blue.
Gentle baby blues, deep midnight blues, velvet textures, blue.
Soothing, cooling blue, oceans of blue, blue candy, seaside blue. Children laughing wearing stripes of blue. Baby boys dressed in blue, otherwise indiscernible as boys.
Cornflower blue, memories collide, childhood gatherings feeling the warmth inside.
Swimming pools coloured walls of blue, cooling, refreshing, relaxing hues.
Cup cakes iced in blue with white candy flowers, calling their wares to buy.
The blue room, artists delight.
The blue nude, Matisse's figures dance out of sight.
The colour blue safe to wear, blue collar workers everywhere, striking conversations as they tread the wearily mile, thin threads warm bodies for a while. Souls so cold as nothing is shared, blank faces determined to finish the day, creativity lost in the need to find money to feed the family they trudge through life with so much dismay. If only they knew that to follow their bliss would bring them through this unearthly mess. Listen to the laughter as the young children play they know what brings them joy and display the innocent acceptance that their day will bring.
Blue acceptance opens the door the new possibilities, so let me sing.
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