Saturday, October 31, 2009
Sitting looking out at the horizon with a feeling of amazement the woman was no longer alone. The beauty of this land had been hidden until this present moment. She wrapped the blanket closely around her; this had been her only protection for many lifetimes. It held within, all the remnants of her previous lives. At first glance it was a beautiful array of colours, showing a grand tapestry of stories. The woman had begun the tapestry at an early age, it was her life w stories and experiences at she traveled through time.
The colours remained brilliant, with a slight fading at the centre if you looked closely. The red revealed the fiery embers of her life force. The light bleeding from this centre witnessed a deep loss, far in the past. Over the years this part of her was in great danger of giving up, she gave so much of herself to others regardless of her inner voice calling her to take time out. The woman was a giver, she gave unto others, time, money and love. As she looked upon the colours memories of the tasks she had performed surfaced. She gave of herself hoping in return to find love. This love was the beginning of her search for knowing herself. She remembered the intensity of the weaving increasing as she moved in closer to feelings buried deep in her tortured soul. Her earnest attempts to grasp her inner light which seemed to be slowly diminishing. The more she gave unto others, with little regard for herself brought to her awareness the need to stay vigilant.
Keep weaving My Child, came the voice, you will soon begin to understand, this wounding is your gift, your life line to recovery, by doing this work you will regain your passion for life.
Many emotions arose from this graphic picture which was filled with anger and torment. She stepped outside of the anger, enabling her to look at the surfacing emotions and imagery; one figure bore the resemblance of an angry devil, similar to the drawings she had made many years ago. Stamping their feet and growling in manipulative tones, controlling and reeling, they still had the ability to transport her back into the realms of fear.
What was this fear? “Look deeper, cry the tears waiting to be released and soon the answer will be found,” came the same quiet voice.
Are you worthy? Who are you to ask for love? Rejection is all you have known.
Create it, search it out, and believe you are worthy.
Step into the insane world and once again push her away. The voices so strong all around her the red flames of hate and destruction surround her, she screams to be released from this endless dance.
The colour begins to change, orange, colour of the sunset, the ending of a day, a change, and a new tomorrow. As she once again peers into the orange hue, there is a joy surfacing, a wonder, but the yesterdays once again begin to play with the flame. A promise of new relationships, brighter more caring loving and compassionate.
The doubter is now waiting to greet her. Look within Child, what do you see. The woman is old, bent and carrying more weight than her small frame can comfortably hold. She wears a scarf over her hair, hiding its beauty from the world. She begins to whisper, we don’t deserve this love, look what has happened to us in the past. We were not cherished, we were not loved, and we were victims of life. There will be nothing for us now, keep on working, searching, you need more knowledge to prove we are acceptable. We can do this alone. So the whispering continues, never daring to speak aloud as others would soon discover who we truly are. That hated, awful, cruel, dismembered part of the human race. See how easy it is to pull us apart. Let’s stay hidden.
Who are you, who are you, who are you screams the girl, I am your Doubter. I am stronger than you and while I reign I have you smoldering away in the embers of this fire.
Raise up calls the voice softly. Rise up, but the girl is still lost in the flames. As the colours begin to interweave, she perceives a change there is another force entering. The gold flames begin to rise higher and the blanket begins to take on the golden light. It colour brings a softening the others, but it also bestows upon the girl emotions long pushed away. She begins to cry which soon turns into rage, rage at being locked into the centre of this turmoil. There is no sanity here, the emotions want pity, they seek another to take care of her, they reach out in desperation for someone else to hold her and give her once again the love she so dearly desires. The relationship was weaved into the illusion of perfect union. The love she gave away to another who lived far far away. He was unavailable, unobtainable, but with this there was also a comfort, being so distant, she would never have to commit. The other would never really know who she truly was. If they did they would never want to be with her, as she would consume and devour them whole. They would become part of the weave; they were part of the protection needed to survive. She wrapped the blanket closer to her frail body, hoping it would bring her warmth and comfort as it had in the past. The air began to fill with a pungent smell, bringing with it still more memories. The colour was changing once again and the girl gasped as the pain of the change left her breathless. A rose pink tone was now emerging, she continued to weave and the story began to unfold. This new colour reminded her of the rawness of her wound. The wound was open and vulnerable, she wept into the pool of rose toned silk leaving tear stains of despair and loneliness. The heart centre of this girl was beginning to open to a new story, but the old ache had yet to feel its presence.
The new imagery revealed hope. The question she asked was how I heal this gaping wound, what needs to be done here, whatever it is, it must be done quickly.
Look within, go down deep within yourself and catch the flame, bring it back into your heart, knowing that it belongs to you and only you, this flame can never be given away. That voice again. Did she have the energy to journey within? the voice encouraged and soothed her. The journey began with tears, casting aside the blame, facing the shame she had felt for most of this lifetime and looked upon the face of guilt. Who is guilt; show me your face, the one who has helped me in my demise. The one who has always been wronged. Striving for perfection, yet achieving none. There she stands regal and proud, her hair streaming wild as she rides on a steed of jet black. The stallion contrasts her looks so pale, red, orange and gold. She holds the power and the stallion of night steers the way. Forward they gallop looking outside in a pace so fast, that those in their way fall stumble and shake. The guilty one is strong by Lord; she sends messages of inadequacy to the one holding desperately on to the blanket of protection. Yet the girl continues to weave and the rose pink begins to penetrate her heart bringing with it the love of self. A warmth from within the girl reveals the subtle changes happening as she embodies this love. The glow grows and the speaker of truth surfaces, bringing with him his colour. The colour of blue skies and oceans, meeting together to share ancient wisdom. He does not seek to stand out, yet he is seen, his eyes are the same colour with a depth she had but seen once in this life time. In his eyes she sees the love and acceptance of one who has journeyed far, he sits awhile and shares the tales of lands he has traveled trough in search of her.
Their eyes connect and they share the recognition, their souls have touched before and now reach out to one another, with a love so deep it stirs the old fears, she holds onto the blanket. He encourages her to speak, speak forth my child, share your journey, keep not this tale within your heart. It is time, the blanket is nearly complete. The uncertainty makes her tremble; still he remains at her side encouraging her to speak her truth. Truth creates miracles; this is whispered by the winds and as sunset fades into the indigo colour of night. The weaver picks up the silken threads lying before her; the indigo colour is now used around the perimeter of the blanket. Rest awhile my child, take in the peace of your Father’s love, know his kindness and feel his presence surround you now. Sleep a little, the journey has been arduous. Let the peace begin to enter your heart, allow the healing to take place. Leave behind the past illusions let the figure of peace show you where your gift of love is stored. Journey now through the canopy of illusion and seek your gift. It is awaiting you. Let Him gently guide you through the door into the light of his presence.
The girl blinks at the light as it penetrates her being, its brilliance is blinding, yet so peaceful, so much joy and the laughter is infectious. All of her cells call out for the light, bring it too me, let me know it, touch it, feel it, smell it. This, oh yes this is what I have searched for. The blanket was my protection, it gave me warmth, but that was only a physical warmth. My soul was crying out for more, it was dying, cold and damp locked into a dungeon of fear, of lifelessness. It searched on the outside, fearing to look within.
The blanket now lay on the ground, its silken threads glistening in the moonlight. She danced upon the hilltop, singing songs of new beginnings, new life.
The blanket would stay there on the ground, it may be used by another who comes to learn the lessons it teaches. The weaver waited patiently, others would come so she could once again pierce their heart with the thread of truth.
The girl looked down upon herself, she had changed. She was no longer a maiden she was a woman. The world of illusion no longer lay in the weaver’s hands, it lay behind her. She looked upon her world through eyes of love and all who looked upon her saw the radiance contained within. The woman’s eyes no longer held a dread they drew in the light of the heavens and connected with the love of mother earth revealing a union of completeness.
The colours remained brilliant, with a slight fading at the centre if you looked closely. The red revealed the fiery embers of her life force. The light bleeding from this centre witnessed a deep loss, far in the past. Over the years this part of her was in great danger of giving up, she gave so much of herself to others regardless of her inner voice calling her to take time out. The woman was a giver, she gave unto others, time, money and love. As she looked upon the colours memories of the tasks she had performed surfaced. She gave of herself hoping in return to find love. This love was the beginning of her search for knowing herself. She remembered the intensity of the weaving increasing as she moved in closer to feelings buried deep in her tortured soul. Her earnest attempts to grasp her inner light which seemed to be slowly diminishing. The more she gave unto others, with little regard for herself brought to her awareness the need to stay vigilant.
Keep weaving My Child, came the voice, you will soon begin to understand, this wounding is your gift, your life line to recovery, by doing this work you will regain your passion for life.
Many emotions arose from this graphic picture which was filled with anger and torment. She stepped outside of the anger, enabling her to look at the surfacing emotions and imagery; one figure bore the resemblance of an angry devil, similar to the drawings she had made many years ago. Stamping their feet and growling in manipulative tones, controlling and reeling, they still had the ability to transport her back into the realms of fear.
What was this fear? “Look deeper, cry the tears waiting to be released and soon the answer will be found,” came the same quiet voice.
Are you worthy? Who are you to ask for love? Rejection is all you have known.
Create it, search it out, and believe you are worthy.
Step into the insane world and once again push her away. The voices so strong all around her the red flames of hate and destruction surround her, she screams to be released from this endless dance.
The colour begins to change, orange, colour of the sunset, the ending of a day, a change, and a new tomorrow. As she once again peers into the orange hue, there is a joy surfacing, a wonder, but the yesterdays once again begin to play with the flame. A promise of new relationships, brighter more caring loving and compassionate.
The doubter is now waiting to greet her. Look within Child, what do you see. The woman is old, bent and carrying more weight than her small frame can comfortably hold. She wears a scarf over her hair, hiding its beauty from the world. She begins to whisper, we don’t deserve this love, look what has happened to us in the past. We were not cherished, we were not loved, and we were victims of life. There will be nothing for us now, keep on working, searching, you need more knowledge to prove we are acceptable. We can do this alone. So the whispering continues, never daring to speak aloud as others would soon discover who we truly are. That hated, awful, cruel, dismembered part of the human race. See how easy it is to pull us apart. Let’s stay hidden.
Who are you, who are you, who are you screams the girl, I am your Doubter. I am stronger than you and while I reign I have you smoldering away in the embers of this fire.
Raise up calls the voice softly. Rise up, but the girl is still lost in the flames. As the colours begin to interweave, she perceives a change there is another force entering. The gold flames begin to rise higher and the blanket begins to take on the golden light. It colour brings a softening the others, but it also bestows upon the girl emotions long pushed away. She begins to cry which soon turns into rage, rage at being locked into the centre of this turmoil. There is no sanity here, the emotions want pity, they seek another to take care of her, they reach out in desperation for someone else to hold her and give her once again the love she so dearly desires. The relationship was weaved into the illusion of perfect union. The love she gave away to another who lived far far away. He was unavailable, unobtainable, but with this there was also a comfort, being so distant, she would never have to commit. The other would never really know who she truly was. If they did they would never want to be with her, as she would consume and devour them whole. They would become part of the weave; they were part of the protection needed to survive. She wrapped the blanket closer to her frail body, hoping it would bring her warmth and comfort as it had in the past. The air began to fill with a pungent smell, bringing with it still more memories. The colour was changing once again and the girl gasped as the pain of the change left her breathless. A rose pink tone was now emerging, she continued to weave and the story began to unfold. This new colour reminded her of the rawness of her wound. The wound was open and vulnerable, she wept into the pool of rose toned silk leaving tear stains of despair and loneliness. The heart centre of this girl was beginning to open to a new story, but the old ache had yet to feel its presence.
The new imagery revealed hope. The question she asked was how I heal this gaping wound, what needs to be done here, whatever it is, it must be done quickly.
Look within, go down deep within yourself and catch the flame, bring it back into your heart, knowing that it belongs to you and only you, this flame can never be given away. That voice again. Did she have the energy to journey within? the voice encouraged and soothed her. The journey began with tears, casting aside the blame, facing the shame she had felt for most of this lifetime and looked upon the face of guilt. Who is guilt; show me your face, the one who has helped me in my demise. The one who has always been wronged. Striving for perfection, yet achieving none. There she stands regal and proud, her hair streaming wild as she rides on a steed of jet black. The stallion contrasts her looks so pale, red, orange and gold. She holds the power and the stallion of night steers the way. Forward they gallop looking outside in a pace so fast, that those in their way fall stumble and shake. The guilty one is strong by Lord; she sends messages of inadequacy to the one holding desperately on to the blanket of protection. Yet the girl continues to weave and the rose pink begins to penetrate her heart bringing with it the love of self. A warmth from within the girl reveals the subtle changes happening as she embodies this love. The glow grows and the speaker of truth surfaces, bringing with him his colour. The colour of blue skies and oceans, meeting together to share ancient wisdom. He does not seek to stand out, yet he is seen, his eyes are the same colour with a depth she had but seen once in this life time. In his eyes she sees the love and acceptance of one who has journeyed far, he sits awhile and shares the tales of lands he has traveled trough in search of her.
Their eyes connect and they share the recognition, their souls have touched before and now reach out to one another, with a love so deep it stirs the old fears, she holds onto the blanket. He encourages her to speak, speak forth my child, share your journey, keep not this tale within your heart. It is time, the blanket is nearly complete. The uncertainty makes her tremble; still he remains at her side encouraging her to speak her truth. Truth creates miracles; this is whispered by the winds and as sunset fades into the indigo colour of night. The weaver picks up the silken threads lying before her; the indigo colour is now used around the perimeter of the blanket. Rest awhile my child, take in the peace of your Father’s love, know his kindness and feel his presence surround you now. Sleep a little, the journey has been arduous. Let the peace begin to enter your heart, allow the healing to take place. Leave behind the past illusions let the figure of peace show you where your gift of love is stored. Journey now through the canopy of illusion and seek your gift. It is awaiting you. Let Him gently guide you through the door into the light of his presence.
The girl blinks at the light as it penetrates her being, its brilliance is blinding, yet so peaceful, so much joy and the laughter is infectious. All of her cells call out for the light, bring it too me, let me know it, touch it, feel it, smell it. This, oh yes this is what I have searched for. The blanket was my protection, it gave me warmth, but that was only a physical warmth. My soul was crying out for more, it was dying, cold and damp locked into a dungeon of fear, of lifelessness. It searched on the outside, fearing to look within.
The blanket now lay on the ground, its silken threads glistening in the moonlight. She danced upon the hilltop, singing songs of new beginnings, new life.
The blanket would stay there on the ground, it may be used by another who comes to learn the lessons it teaches. The weaver waited patiently, others would come so she could once again pierce their heart with the thread of truth.
The girl looked down upon herself, she had changed. She was no longer a maiden she was a woman. The world of illusion no longer lay in the weaver’s hands, it lay behind her. She looked upon her world through eyes of love and all who looked upon her saw the radiance contained within. The woman’s eyes no longer held a dread they drew in the light of the heavens and connected with the love of mother earth revealing a union of completeness.
The forgotten song
Beyond the body, beyond the sun and stars, past everything you see and yet somehow familiar, is an arc of golden light that stretches as you look into a great and shining circle. And all the circle fills with light before your eyes. The edges of the circle disappear, and what is in it is no longer contained at all. The light expands and covers everything, extending to infinity forever shining and with no break or limit anywhere. Within it everything is joined in perfect continuity. Nor is it possible to imagine that anything could be outside, for there is nowhere that this light is not.
This is the vision of the Son of God, whom you know well. Here is the sight of him who knows his Father. Here is the memory of what you are; a part of this, with all of it within, and joined to all as surely as all is joined in you. Accept the vision that can show you this, and not the body. You know the ancient song, and know it well. Nothing will ever be as dear to you as is this ancient hymn of love the Son of God sings to his Father still.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
All Fear is Past and Only Love is Here
Lesson 293
All fear is past, because its source is gone, all its thoughts gone with it.
Love remains the only present state, whose Source
is here forever and forever.
Can the world seem bright and clear and safe and welcoming
with all my past mistakes oppressing it, and showing me
distorted forms of fear.
Yet in the present love is obvious and its effects apparent.
All the world shines in reflection of its holy light,
and I perceive a world forgiven at last.
Father, let not Your holy world escape my sight today.
Nor let my ears be deaf to all the hymns of gratitude the world is
singing underneath the sounds of fear.
There is a real world the present holds safe from all past mistakes.
And I would see only this world before my eyes today.
Yesterday I took the time to say farewell to my ex mother in law, she is in ICU and has asked if she has another heart attack not to be revived. I have not spoken to her for many years, she blamed me for the ending of my marriage to her son and didn't have contact with me again after my eldest daughter got married. I knew I needed to say goodbye and forgive her and ask her forgiveness for not living up to her expectations. The only way I knew how to do this was by going to a garden her in Mt Barker which is specifically set up to say goodbyes. The energy in this garden brings a sense of connectedness to life and a sense of peace to assist letting go. I wandered around the garden for a while feeling the need to deeply connect, I then picked up my phone and rang my ex husband to let him know that his mum would be in my prayers and to pass the message on to her. I didn't want to turn up at the hospital and see her in ICU, I thought it better that I say goodbye in a beautiful garden, as I remembered she used to love her garden. I took those thoughts with me, speaking to her and asking forgiveness as I wandered in this beautiful garden saying goodbye.
So Pamela I say to you do not be frightened of dying, there will be many loved ones waiting for you as you pass over, open your heart to the presence of love and you will soon be wrapped in the warm wings of God's angels. I remember once you had been talking to my mum and you told her you prayed for your children every day so you do know that God exists. I pray that you have a safe journey, peace and love are awaiting you. I am sorry we did not have the time or inclination to do this face to face but I do believe it is never to late and I know that my message will be received.
Goodbye for now, you are welcome to come to me when you feel the need.
I will place some photo's of the garden on my blog in memory of you
Thursday, October 15, 2009
My inner artist, she wants to come out to play,
she needs to know it is safe to bring out the red paint,
she wants to sing as she paints and maybe dance too.
Most of all she wants to paint without judgement
and she wants to have fun.
Sunday is the day when she has permission
to let it all hang out
dance, sing and paint to her heart's content
I accept myself completely.
I accept my strengths and my weaknesses, my gifts and my shortcomings, my good points and my faults. I accept myself completely as a human being.
I accept that I am here to learn and grow, and I accept that I am learning and growing. I accept the personality I’ve developed, and I accept my power to heal and change. I accept myself without condition or reservation. I accept that the core of my being is goodness and that my essence is love, and I accept that I sometimes forget that. I accept myself completely, and in this acceptance I find an ever-deepening inner strength. From this place of strength, I accept my life fully and I open to the lessons it offers me today.
I accept that within my mind are both fear and love, and I accept my power to choose which I will experience as real. I recognize that I experience only the results of my own choices. I accept the times that I choose fear as part of my learning and healing process, and I accept that I have the potential and power in any moment to choose love instead. I accept mistakes as a part of growth, so I am always willing to forgive myself and give myself another chance.
I accept that my life is the expression of my thought, and I commit myself to aligning my thoughts more and more each day with the Thought of Love. I accept that I am an expression of this Love, Love’s hands and voice and heart on earth. I accept my own life as a blessing and a gift. My heart is open to receive, and I am deeply grateful. May I always share the gifts that I receive fully, freely, and with joy.
I accept my strengths and my weaknesses, my gifts and my shortcomings, my good points and my faults. I accept myself completely as a human being.
I accept that I am here to learn and grow, and I accept that I am learning and growing. I accept the personality I’ve developed, and I accept my power to heal and change. I accept myself without condition or reservation. I accept that the core of my being is goodness and that my essence is love, and I accept that I sometimes forget that. I accept myself completely, and in this acceptance I find an ever-deepening inner strength. From this place of strength, I accept my life fully and I open to the lessons it offers me today.
I accept that within my mind are both fear and love, and I accept my power to choose which I will experience as real. I recognize that I experience only the results of my own choices. I accept the times that I choose fear as part of my learning and healing process, and I accept that I have the potential and power in any moment to choose love instead. I accept mistakes as a part of growth, so I am always willing to forgive myself and give myself another chance.
I accept that my life is the expression of my thought, and I commit myself to aligning my thoughts more and more each day with the Thought of Love. I accept that I am an expression of this Love, Love’s hands and voice and heart on earth. I accept my own life as a blessing and a gift. My heart is open to receive, and I am deeply grateful. May I always share the gifts that I receive fully, freely, and with joy.
If I Knew I Could Not Fail What Would I do
I would take photographs and send them into competitions
I would set up personal developments workshops and run the regularly
I would only work 2 days a week at a job and devote the rest of my time to creating beautiful artistic works to sell and share with friends
I would get my website for Heartsong Enterprises up and running, advertising workshops, meetings and goods for sale.
I would book a trip to New Zealand and explore all the art venues including visiting WOW
I would go to New York and New Mexico to see Georgia O'Keefe's work in the flesh.
I would spend New Year Eve in New York
I would love a man and commit to being his life partner
I would buy myself a green new VW beetle car
I would hold movie nights at home and share insights with friends
I would illustrate using my photography and write a book which inspires people to live a life of passion
I would set up personal developments workshops and run the regularly
I would only work 2 days a week at a job and devote the rest of my time to creating beautiful artistic works to sell and share with friends
I would get my website for Heartsong Enterprises up and running, advertising workshops, meetings and goods for sale.
I would book a trip to New Zealand and explore all the art venues including visiting WOW
I would go to New York and New Mexico to see Georgia O'Keefe's work in the flesh.
I would spend New Year Eve in New York
I would love a man and commit to being his life partner
I would buy myself a green new VW beetle car
I would hold movie nights at home and share insights with friends
I would illustrate using my photography and write a book which inspires people to live a life of passion
Grey Sky's Turn Blue
Some days the sky reflects my mood, today it was grey and overcast, I hadn't slept well last night worrying over shift changes coming up. I also found myself judging my abilities once again. My body ached all over screaming for me to slow down, take a breath and see the beauty in the day.
My lesson for the day was "My present Happiness is all I see", hadn't quite integrated this lesson well, as I went back and forwards into the town. Things began to change in the afternoon, I went to the library a good place for me to be surrounded by the calming effects of books and visual stimuli. Of course this was where I was meant to be and I bumped in Silvana who has had a particular difficult time over the last two weeks.
There were some very interesting and inspiring art works to look at, what a bonus. I wandered back to the car thinking of many things when my eyes were drawn to the most perfect roses hidden behind a brick wall, I took the time to look deeply at their beauty. My eyes moved up a lane way where spring was bursting forth, a cherry blossum tree spreading its boughs over the walkway. I made a note that I must make a date with myself this weekend to take my camera and capture nature's beauty before it changes.
Time to drive home and cook tea, my next gift was a radiant rainbow, God's reminder that although sky's may appear grey underneath there was a wonderful surprise waiting for me to brighten up my day.
My choice to live in a world of illusion or in the beauty of the real world, God's creation is always filled with beauty it is up to me to make the decision which world I choose to live in on a daily basis.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Acceptance is red.
After a night of restless sleep, the mind finds it so easy to wander at 3 in the morning, repeating the fears and excuses of why I am still sleeping alone.
Red of a beautiful sunset, red a colour which looks good on me. Red, red, red of passionate embraces or anger surging forth from the depths of my core. It is the deepest rage pushing itself to the surface, raw and uncontrollable, liken to a volcano erupts and spilling its contents on the innocent surface. I hope in earnestly that this rage is long gone, as I take time to remember its energy it still frightens me. Embittered by my betrayal, his lust and lies, it drew to the surface the need to destroy. Yes I can still tap into the feelings but choose to direct the energy into a more creative form, a form that encourages life and a feeling of satisfaction instead of destruction and the eternal addiction of having someone at all costs. Getting attention, to be seen, to be acknowledged, to be desired, yet never a commitment to love. All of these feelings gave me was an instant gratification, a quick high and afterwards a crumbling, a screaming and a melt down feeling of still being unwanted. My continual cry was "why wasn't I good enough".
I now ask Good Enough for Whom????
Acceptance and green.
Today I found my mind continually comparing me with others. Although I attempt to accept me, underneath I really don't The voice in my mind continues to tell me that I am too fat, too ugly, too poor for a man to want to have a long term relationship with me. I continually tell myself that I am unlovable, undesirable. Today I heard the voice more clearly, my resistance to changing my appearance by changing my eating habits, exercising habits because I have done all this in the past and it didn't work, he still didn't choose me. So when I think I should give this up and maybe just maybe things will all turn out okay, I hear another voice proclaiming haven't you given up enough. I haven't had an long term intimate relationship with a man for over 11 years now. Why because I keep telling myself I am not pretty enough, youth has gone, the time when I was pretty and attractive I didn't know it, I continually chased after a man who didn't want me, now youth has faded. I tell myself I have addressed my demons but I don't believe I have, I run from them and hide behind excuses that no one else but me know what they are. Does fear still rule where I profess it doesn't. Fear of what I ask. Fear of rejection, fear that I am unworthy, fear that I am too fat, fear that I am too ugly so I run and hide, I might expose me if I get close to another and they won't like me and I then find myself totally alone. Fear of having to give so much that I loose myself. No matter what others may think or say it me that needs to accept, but how do I do that, how do I integrate total acceptance and really love the person I am
Acceptance is Gold
Acceptance is yellow, gold of the sun, no matter how it cannot be outrun.
Searching for gold in places where it does not exist.
Long forgotten memories itching to tell the story within of a lost soul who thought she needed to fill the bottomless feelings with love from outside.
Forgotten lovers appear to remind the woman that the past is long left behind.
Let go of the past step into now, no need for approval, gold fills the space where she sought relationship instead.
Step into the warmth, feel the glow of acceptance through laughter, joy and the flow.
Prosperity glows from deep within, the caves are no longer screaming for attention as sin is no longer sin.
The warm arms embrace the person I am, no need to change, no need the become anything.
The me I am takes me into the presence of gold, yellow hues for a new story to unfold.
Golden horizons, golden warm beaches, butter cake, lemon meringues, baked cheesecake fill the air.
Golden Buddha resplendent, I here his call.
Canaries singing in the new day, as the moonlight heralds the ending of a day.
Autumn calling as Winter approaches, tangy lemon icing sweeten the mouths of babes, mangoes succulent what ever their age.
Acceptance is Blue
Acceptance is blue today. The colour of the morning, noon and night sky, as the intensity changes throughout the day, underneath it all the sky remains steady, reliable blue. It may be covered by clouds of grey and white, we all know that it remains blue.
There is a feeling of safety that comes to me as I know the sky is constant as God's love is constant no matter how stormy my life may appear to be. Underneath the stormy clouds, snow, clouds, rain clouds, pollution, the sky is blue.
Gentle baby blues, deep midnight blues, velvet textures, blue.
Soothing, cooling blue, oceans of blue, blue candy, seaside blue. Children laughing wearing stripes of blue. Baby boys dressed in blue, otherwise indiscernible as boys.
Cornflower blue, memories collide, childhood gatherings feeling the warmth inside.
Swimming pools coloured walls of blue, cooling, refreshing, relaxing hues.
Cup cakes iced in blue with white candy flowers, calling their wares to buy.
The blue room, artists delight.
The blue nude, Matisse's figures dance out of sight.
The colour blue safe to wear, blue collar workers everywhere, striking conversations as they tread the wearily mile, thin threads warm bodies for a while. Souls so cold as nothing is shared, blank faces determined to finish the day, creativity lost in the need to find money to feed the family they trudge through life with so much dismay. If only they knew that to follow their bliss would bring them through this unearthly mess. Listen to the laughter as the young children play they know what brings them joy and display the innocent acceptance that their day will bring.
Blue acceptance opens the door the new possibilities, so let me sing.
Journey Towards Acceptance
For the next week I will be working on integrating acceptance into my life. To begin I have chosen to incorporate Acceptance and the colour Pink.
Acceptance today is pink
Accepting who I am is okay I don't need to try to change myself. I don't need to put on a different face to meet the day, who I am is okay. I don't need to be thinner, younger, richer, all the wealth I need is within me, beauty resides within me and the more I accept my inner beauty the greater I shine externally.
Today I ask my Higher Self to dissolve the ties holding me to the past. I release the past into the Loving Presence of God acknowledging I am guiltless, innocent and free.
I accept the peace and love of God, thanking the Universe of its approval of all I am.
Therefore I approve of myself.
I accept the person I am
I love the person I am
I am willing to step into the person I truly am
I am kind and compassionate
My resolutions are on fire with inspiration
I live with balance and in the natural flow of life
I am not deceived by illusion
I live in the Light of Reality
My inner nature is freedom and joy
I am willing to see all others recognize their freedom and joy
The more I give of myself, the more I have to give
I am no longer resistant to life
All that is rightfully mine is drawn to me
I live in total Acceptance and Bliss
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