Friday, August 27, 2010

Home of my own

This last two weeks have brought with it lots of tears, seemed the universe was sharing the same view sending down lots of rain which we desperately needed, a true reflection of where I had been. One bank told me I was too old for a home loan wanting me to repay in 15 years instead of the usual 30, so once again I have been skidding between "There Must Be Another Way" (ACIM) and making choices allowing the overwhelm to push me over or struggle through and see what is on the other side. Awareness surfaced today as I allowed myself to work with a piece of artwork which triggered an old story where I am brought back to the place of my little girl repeating "Dance for your Daddy", a place where I have been before but in that instance I was unable to see the manipulation, guilt and coercing that was happening for me. I know now I need to stand up and voice my disappointment and stay focused on the outcome, which is having a place of my own and going for it regardless of the odds. What is it Napoleon Hill talks about Desire, Faith, Auto Suggestion, Specialized Knowledge, Imagination, Organized Planning, Decision & Persistence. I find myself missing a few along the way, so I will use this blog to assist me in facing the ones which may be the missing link in achieving my desired outcome. Yes I have the Desire, faith sometimes goes tumbling down the rabbit hole only to surface again when I regain balance. Auto suggestion, now probably need to explore this one a little deeper. Organized planning I am putting together a small deposit and continue to make installments in my savings account.
Specialized Knowledge I have been searching out the best options within my budget seem to have found one Home start although they only lend a small amount this could change in the next 3 months as my income increases.
Yes I have made the decision to buy my own place, and Persistence just because one bank has said no doesn't mean another will.
So here we go I will keep you posted on the outcomes as tomorrow I will set off to Murray Bridge to view some potentials.


God's Country

My Time in the Dandenongs was filled with a great connection to nature, the countryside provided a beautiful back drop for my creative abilities. I am now living in the Adelaide Hills but my soul sings when I find myself back in Victoria, must be my English roots resonate with that part of the world.

Spring is nearly here

I am at present involved in assisting Tess at Duck Flat develop a new project involving local artists mentoring young artists in the community. An exciting venture and lots to learn about gathering information to put forward proposals and grant applications. Duck Flat Garden is a beautiful peaceful place to visit, set in the Adelaide Hills behind the Mount Barker Hospital. Amazingly I found out about it while living in Melbourne a few years ago and I now find myself volunteering to get this latest project underway. I love the fact that art has been a main focus in the garden combining nature, art and health within the community. I sure takes a lot of organising as well as overseeing. So if you are ever in Mt Barker head to the garden, seek out a peaceful place and breath in the beauty and tranquility of this unique spot.

Spring is nearly here