Friday, November 15, 2013

In Memory of My Dad

Goodbye Dad
You walk a different path now, it has not being easy knowing you won't be at the end of the phone.  I took a lot for granted when you were here and honestly didn't believe that you would soon be gone.  You kept telling me you didn't think you had much longer but I didn't hear you, I am sorry for this.  The tears of sadness run down my cheeks, I haven't yet felt your presence near.  I hope to see you in my dreams, I hope to hear your voice, but I only see your absence.  Grief visits me in the supermarket, when I am driving in my car, when I am alone and a thought reaches a memory of times gone.  The world is a little empty now, my heart sad, my life more alone.
I have forgotten the song, I have forgotten the tune, I have forgotten a time when I danced on your feet alone. 

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