I can't believe we are into November already. Things have turned once again the block didn't sell so no deposit available for me to buy a house, dad is still unwilling to sell his place to pay me back so I find myself in a catch 22 situation, he gets upset with me for asking about it and I get upset because I can't see any way out of this situation. Please shoot me if I get old and uncompromising, I really want to die before I get like that.
Relationships? Where do I start, I think I have completely given up here, I don't think of myself as being attractive anymore and wonder if this is it for me in this lifetime. I find myself unwilling to consider anyone less than perfect so I remain alone. I don't find myself interested in meeting new people yet I yearn for company, but company of people who understand me???? Is that too much of an ask. I miss old dear friends who are scattered over Australia and find my mind wandering to distant places wishing I was still there.
Unfulfilled dreams and desires, I remember the desires which took me away from the reality of my life, pulled me into places which we filled with fantastical images and outcomes only to find I was still in the same place.